Review of Rossi Nails Glam Powder Trial Kit

Hi, everyone! I’ve been away from the blog for awhile, but I’m still very active on Instagram. The stay at home orders during the pandemic have left me with a little more time on my hands, so I decided to make a post about dip powders for all of you adventurous do-it-yourself people out there. After all, the nail salons are closed, so now is a good time to experiment with new techniques!

Today I’m featuring a trial kit offered from Rossi Nails, a US based company. Their products are still made in China, but the formulas are developed in the USA. I tried a dip powder kit from Nicole Diary a few months ago but wasn’t so impressed with how long they lasted and especially did not like their top coat, not to mention that a lot of the activating liquids dried up in their bottles despite me not even using them that much. I was offered the chance to try out the Rossi brand and jumped at the new opportunity to have another shot at dip powder nails.

Why go for dip powder?

Being a nail artist really takes a toll on your nails. Most people would assume that we have the best nails, but the truth is that they get exposed to all sorts of harsh chemicals on a regular basis because we change our manicures up so often in the pursuit of content for our accounts. Acetone in particular is very drying, and my right hand tends to take a beating in terms of exposure to it because it’s the hand that I use to clean my stamping plates. It was only natural that I tried to find some sort of a solution to protect my nails.

I first tried to use acrylic powder and monomers to strengthen my thin and brittle nails. Acrylics are notoriously hard to do correctly, and they take a lot of work! Especially because I was not so experienced with working with the medium, I ended up having to do a ton of filing to get them to look ok, and they were still truthfully thicker than they ought to have been. I absolutely hated having to do infills after my nails would grow out because it was just as time consuming, so I would always end up taking them off.

Gel polish was a nice alternative for awhile because it provided the protection and strength that I wanted, and it was much quicker to do compared to acrylic. Unfortunately, I developed some sort of contact dermatitis from overuse (I hear it’s a common problem with nail techs), and I have yet to find a gel polish that doesn’t cause one of my itchy reactions.

Dip powder was one of the last things that I ended up trying. I liked how the powders can be used in different ways, and a lot of ladies in some of the groups I belong to seem to love this type of system. It is great because the principles of dip manicures are still rooted in the acrylic nail realm, but it’s a lot more user friendly! You paint your nail with the solution and immediately dip your finger into the powder, which adheres to the liquid. You can repeat this process however many times you like, although I think two times is sufficient. There is very minimal filing involved, and you don’t need a lamp to cure anything. You end up with the strength of acrylic and a shiny finish once the top coat is applied.


Here’s my right hand sporting the color “Honeymoon” from Rossi Nails. Use the code FINEPOLISH to save 20% off your order!

The Starter Kit


I’m going to call the Rossi Glam Powder Trial Kit a starter kit because “trial” makes you think that the sizes of the items are smaller than the real thing, but Rossi offers full sized products. There is a base coat, activator, and a top coat included, each of which are in 15 mL sized plastic bottles, and the jar of dipping powder is 18 g, a stark comparison to the supposed 10 g that companies like Nicole Diary and Born Pretty offer. The size is most noticeably different when you hold the jar because the one from Rossi feels much bigger.


This jar says it holds 10 g of powder, but it probably is much less than that. You definitely can’t fit more than one finger in the jar at a time as opposed to Rossi Glam Powder.

I will admit that the bottles of liquid felt a little light. I don’t know if this is a problem with dipping systems overall because the last kit I bought also had bottles that weren’t completely full. I do wonder if the liquid will end up evaporating on me over time, but there is still plenty in the bottles to be able to do your nails many times.

A big difference with this kit is that it comes with a thorough set of instructions, and the brand produced a video tutorial to help guide you to making the perfect dip manicure.

My finished results with the color Honeymoon looked like this.


I dipped my nails twice, and you can see that it doesn’t add much extra thickness to my nails. The color is a pale pink that would make a great base color for a French manicure, but it also is the perfect neutral shade for those who crave a more natural look.

I decided to add some stamping with the Nicole Diary L20 plate (use coupon code RSX10 to save 10% off your order at Born Pretty Store) and Ya Qin An stamping polish in White.


You can see that dipped nails and stamped designs pair perfectly with one another.


Removing a dipped manicure is super easy and a lot less labor intensive than trying to remove acrylic. Simply file off the top coat and soak your nails in pure acetone for 5 minutes. Soaking caps work great for this, or you can make your own by covering your nails in cotton soaked with pure acetone and wrapping each finger with aluminum foil. Most of the material can be wiped off at this stage with no scraping involved, resulting in more healthy nails. You can repeat the process as necessary, but it took no more than 2 rounds of soaking for me.

I ended up keeping this manicure only for a few days, but I had no lifting during this time period, unlike with the other kit I tried. The steps were easy to follow, and I think it produced a really good result!

My only gripe is that the graphics for their packaging come across as cheaply printed because they used a low resolution, but that does not affect the quality of the materials inside.

I definitely would recommend this starter kit for anyone interested in dipping powders. Now is a great time to try them out. It’s easy to get hooked because there are a ton of different colors available on their website, and you can select from 4 different shades to pair with your starter kit. Might as well qualify for free shipping and buy a few different jars to go with it!

Diamond rating: ♦♦♦♦♦ (5/5)

If you are interested in purchasing this starter kit (the retail price is $65.99 USD, although it’s on sale for just $37.99 right now), the link for the item is shown below.  Using code FINEPOLISH will get you 20% off your order with free shipping offered on orders over $60. Happy polishing!


One thought on “Review of Rossi Nails Glam Powder Trial Kit

  1. tiendasabanicasales says:

    I love the “wish” design. I will have that design to my nails to. Thanks for the pic. acrylic nails kits australia

    Liked by 1 person

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